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My toddler loves the new Dino book!

So I was so amused when these books arrived as they interrupted the toddler's screen time (yay for that as we're trying to limit it appropriately) and the toddler absolutely loved the lift the flap dinosaur book! It was lovely! Different and sturdy and well worth a read (not too boring for the grownups either). It has been read at least twice now and we just got it hours ago.

The other book that arrived today was a good read for me. We had recently ordered some FANCY books in English that are translations from authors worldwide and one was by the same author/illustrator so I'm familiar with the great illustrations and really enjoyed reading it myself. Yes, it's a bit mature for the toddler (especially since the toddler doesn't know much French yet, but there will be more exposure). Nonetheless, the book is an EXCELLENT pick and I'm ever so pleased. I definitely adore the illustrations.

And two gifts arrive from France! Some great French kids books! I'm very happy with more Claude Ponti and super excited to share all of these books with my kid. I'm so very excited to read everything!

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Gift Details

April 10, 2023
Childrens Book Exchange

